Fighting The Fat For Summer
Fighting The Fat For Summer
Hurrah it’s June at last! Summer is just around the corner, and many of us have spent the last couple of months dieting and exercising in preparation. However, some are still finding the journey to the perfect beach body a struggle due to stubborn and unwanted fat. These small areas of fat can be a real pain to tackle and can impair the results of your hard work. Luckily APSARAS Clinic offers two non-surgical cosmetic treatments to fight this issue in time for summer.
Accent RF treatment
Accent RF treatment is a fat contouring treatment that aims to vastly improve the look of small areas of stubborn fat. Accent RF treatment uses radio frequency wavelengths to combat the look of unwanted and unflattering fat and leave patients with a toned and slimmer appearance.
How does it work?
Accent RF treatment uses radio frequency wavelengths in order to heat the fat cells within the treated area. Once heated these fats cells can then be augmented in a number of ways in order to gain the best results. During treatment the fat cells can be repositioned, reshaped and even shrunk in order to gain the visually improved results that the patient wants.
What are the benefits?
There are many benefits to Accent RF treatment that sawy millions of patients to undergo the treatment each year. One of these positives it it’s non-invasive nature. Accent RF treatment allows patients to gain the fat contouring results they want whilst keeping the skin’s surface intact. As a result of this Accent RF treatment also dramatically lowers the risk of infection compared to many other cosmetic treatment. Which is a huge benefit to patients as it allows them to gain the results they want without the additional risks that can be involved with other forms of treatment.
If contouring your unwanted fat doesn’t seem like the right solution for you then maybe non-surgical fat removal will be. Aqualyx treatment is a water-based cosmetic injectable that promises to removal small areas of stubborn fat from the body in order to achieve a visibly slimmer result.
How does it work?
Aqualyx treatment involves injecting the solution into the area of treatment. Once injected the liquid substance will attach itself to the fat cell walls and bound itself to the cells. Following this the solution will then rupture the cell ways to release the fatty content. This fatty deposit is then destroyed by the liquid and is removed from the patient’s body through their urine.
What are the benefits?
Aqualyx treatment is an extremely popular form of non-surgical fat treatment, and there are plenty of reasons why the treatment is as popular as it is. For example unlike many other non-surgical fat treatments Aqualyx gives patients a way to remove their unwanted fat rather than contour it. This is a huge benefit for many patients as it can give them the confidence that their treatment has tackled their issue rather than just disguise the look of unwanted. Another positive to the treatment is that it provides patients with the results they want in a time period that is convenient for them. Aqualyx treatment can be performed in just 30 minutes and requires no recovery time, making it perfect for patients with busy lifestyles.
Professional’s opinion
Dr. Thevendra is the cosmetic doctor at APSARAS Clinic and has a wealth of knowledge and experienced performing both the treatments mentioned in this article, this is what he had to say about the two treatments.
“Both the fat reduction treatments that APSARAS Clinic offers are versatile and effective. Accent RF is perfect for patients looking to contouring their unwanted fat and achieve a more toned appearance to their problem area. Whilst Aqualyx treatment is great for patients that want to eradicate their unwanted fat in a natural way. If you are considering undergoing either of the treatments mentioned then I would strongly suggest seeking the advice of an experienced cosmetic professional, such as myself. This will ensure you gain the information you need to make a measured decision and gain the best possible results. If you would like more information on any of the treatments mentioned in this article then book your consultation with APSARAS Clinic today.”