Give Your Skin A Youthful Revamp With My Cell PRP Treatment
Struggling with dull skin and a tired complexion?
It’s easy to get hung up on the latest skincare fads, hoping for a miracle, but there’s a very simple and natural solution to revive your skin.
APSARAS Clinic may have the answer to your dull skin woes in the form of My Cell PRP treatment. Here we answer your questions about this exciting treatment.
What is My Cell PRP treatment?
My Cell PRP is a non-surgical cosmetic treatment that aims to improve the look of a dull and tired looking skin, whilst only using natural ingredients that can be found within the patient’s body. The PRP in My Cell PRP’s name stands for plasma rich plasma, which refers back to the treatment’s use of plasma and platelets found within the patient’s blood. These ingredients have been proven to improve the blood circulation to the skin and stimulate the growth of collagen.
What does the treatment involve?
The treatment involves taking a sample of the patient’s blood in the same way a blood sample would be taken for medical purposes. Once collected the plasma and platelets within the sample are then separated from the rest of the blood and placed into fresh syringe. The plasma and platelets are then joined by a number of other natural ingredients with skin rejuvenating properties. The solution is then injected back into the patient’s skin to encourage better blood circulation to the facial tissue and new growth of collagen.
What are the benefits to My Cell PRP treatment?
The great thing about My Cell PRP treatment is that it gives patients a natural way to refresh their skin. This is a huge positive as it means patients can sit the treatment safe in the knowledge that their body will not reject the injection as it’s made up of all natural ingredients that can be found within your body. My Cell PRP treatment is also time efficient. With an average procedure time of just thirty minutes and no recovery time needed My Cell PRP treatment is perfect for those looking to rejuvenate their skin in a time frame that reflects their busy lifestyle. Another great thing about My Cell PRP treatment is that due to its non-surgical form the treatment comes with dramatically lower risks than many other forms of skin rejuvenation treatments.
What are the risks involved with treatment?
Although there are many positives to My Cell PRP treatment it is still important that patients look at the treatment as a whole. This means being aware of the risks involved with treatment as well as the benefits. The only known risk involved with My Cell PRP treatment is the risk of infection. This is something that patients shouldn’t experience when undergoing treatment with a experienced cosmetic professional, as always strongly suggested.
If you would like more information on My Cell PRP treatment then book your consultation with APSARAS clinic today.