In The News: UK Surge in My Cells PRP
It’s been a great year for non-surgical cosmetic treatments, and the latest reports conclude some lesser known anti-ageing treatments are on the rise. One of the hotly tipped cosmetic treatments to become even more popular in 2015 is My Cells PRP – thanks to an amazing 200% increase in inquires made about the platelet rich plasma therapy. The latest report – from – shows these revolutionary facial rejuvenation treatments are not only more popular than ever, but also in demand!
PRP treatments like My Cells PRP aren’t the newest non-surgical cosmetic treatments on the block but are certainly fast becoming one of the most popular. With quick and affordable results, all natural components and minimal recovery time, it’s easy to see why the treatment is becoming ever popular.
So what is My Cells PRP, and what’s all the fuss about platelet rich plasma therapy? Essentially, it’s a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that helps patients to rejuvenate their dulling skin, only using components that can already be found within the body. My Cells PRP is known via several different names including Vampire Facelift and Dracula Therapy. You may wonder where the connection between the vampires and a cosmetic treatment lies but the answer is simple: blood. Yes, My Cells PRP treatment uses the patient’s own blood to benefit the skin. Believe it or not, this treatment was pioneered to help treat injuries before becoming a cosmetic treatment.
My Cells PRP involves your doctor taking a blood sample in the same way it would be taken for a blood test. The plasma and platelets within the blood are then separated from the rest of the sample and injected back into the skin to give a rejuvenated and healthy appearance. With famous celebrities such as model Kim Kardashian and golfer Tiger Woods reportedly being fan of treatments like My Cells PRP treatment patients are certainly in good company.
The increase in enquiries for My Cells PRP across the UK looks like it will provide a huge boost to the non-surgical cosmetic industry, and provide many patients with outstanding skin rejuvenating results in the process. Skin rejuvenation expert Dr. Thevendra from APSARAS Clinic had this to say about the news.
“Treatment with My Cells PRP is a wonderful anti-ageing solution, and one I have had the pleasure of providing to my patients for a number of years now. I think the news of treatments like My Cells PRP gaining popularity is well overdue; the treatment provides my patients with amazing facial rejuvenation results that could rival many invasive procedures,” he explains.
“I think patients are taking more time than ever to really consider their options, and now realise that the surgical option isn’t always the better option. I would suggest to any patients that are considering undergoing a skin rejuvenation treatment to consider My Cells PRP as it really does work and the results are long-lasting,” Dr. Thevendra concludes.
Non-surgical treatments are more popular than ever – and it’s easy to see why. For more information on My Cells PRP treatment or any other form of non-invasive facial rejuvenation, book your consultation with Dr Thevendra today and learn more about what PRPT can do for you.